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Tools & Credits

The site is published by the Hugo static site generator, hosted on GitHub Pages. The domain, security certificate and content delivery network are provided by Cloudflare. Availability is monitored by UptimeRobot.

Social icons were selected from the Simple Brand library and the theme icons chosen from Feather, used under the CC0 1.0 Universal License and MIT respectively. SVGs for both were generated by IcoMoon.

Fonts used are Quicksand for general content in conjunction with Source Code Pro for monospaced text, both used under the Open Font License. Code snippets are displayed in the Monokai theme and the inline notes functionality was inspired by Cupper.


Multiline code snippets – as might be expected to be found in a file – will have numbered lines. Single lines of CLI code will be prefixed with a $ to signify a simple bash prompt; these will sometimes be reformatted with line continuation characters for improved readability.