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Accessibility Statement

From working in design agencies where accessibility was just good practice, to local government where it was mandatory, I’ve always felt that inclusive design was the right thing to do. I also feel that it’s important that this page is given an equal navigational standing and isn’t burried somewhere in among the footnotes.

It is my aim that the website is usable regardless of browser, device, connection speed, or physical ability. Accordingly, this website attempts to meet AA standards as defined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

This page outlines this website’s accessibility features and considerations.


I’ve intentionally tried to keep a distraction-free design, choosing a well-designed open sans-serif font and colour combinations that have sufficient contrast ratios.

Every page has a “skip to content” link and should be fully navigable via mouse, keyboard or touch. The layout is structured with semantic tags and logically ordered progressive headings.


The site has been tested and audited with automated tools. While accessibility is something about which I am passionate, it is also something in which I’ll freely admit to not being an expert; if I’m doing anything wrong - or something that could be improved - then please do let me know by creating a GitHub issue or just sending an email.